Parish Council Elections

Parish Council Elections for 2022 Quick Links:

Required Forms and Docments in the Parish Council Election Packet
All of the forms, in the packet list below, must be submitted by the parish priest to the Metropolitan for the elections to be ratified. Each form must be properly completed, signed, and dated before being submitted:


Required Form After the Parish Council has been Ratified 

The following form must be submitted by the parish priest to the Metropolitan after the elections have been be ratified, and after the new and continuing Parish Council Members have received the Affirmation of Office from the Priest following the Sunday Divine Liturgy.

2022 Parish Council Transmittal Form

About Parish Council Elections

Return to Registry Resources

"I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing" (John 15:5)

Members of the Parish Council are elected by their fellow parishioners in accordance with the Uniform Parish Regulations of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. Specific procedures to be followed in conducting these elections are issued annually by His Eminence Metropolitan Isaiah of Denver.

The election of the members of the Parish Council takes place no earlier than the first Sunday in November, and no later than the second Sunday in December.

Only parishioners in good canonical standing may be candidates for election to the Parish Council. Likewise, only parishioners in good canonical standing can vote in the elections.

The Parish Priest is responsible for ensuring that all required forms are filled out completely and submitted to the Metropolitan for ratification in a timely manner.

All Parish Council members must be ratified by the Metropolitan before they can receive the Affirmation of Office and serve on the Council.



Whenever there is a vacancy on the Parish Council, the Council elects a member in good standing from the parish to fill that seat (see 2017 UPR Article 25, Section 10). This election is submitted to the Metropolitan for ratification. A Candidate Disclosure Form and verification from the Parish Priest that the candidate has attended the required Candidate Seminar is required.