



The Metropolis of Denver is working to support your parish,

and all 49 parishes that serve nearly 10,000 parishioners.



What is the Metropolis of Denver Advocates?

Established in 2003, Advocates is supported by a devoted group of faithful stewards of the Church who are committed to the growth and needs of our parishes throughout the Metropolis of Denver.  The Advocates ministry serves to help our Orthodox Church to advance our ancient faith and to share it with today’s modern society by:


Strengthening  Parishes and  Ministries

  • Advocates support enriches parishes and their ministries by providing resources and administrative support.


Mentoring  Clergy & Lay Leaders

  • Advocates support assists in attracting and mentoring clergy, as well as lay leaders, so that they are best prepared to advance and strengthen our Orthodox Faith.


Growing  Orthodox Christianity

  • Advocates support enhances the opportunity for parishes to experience tangible and spiritual growth through missions and outreach ministries.


Supporting  Local Parish Ministries

  • Advocates support provides the Metropolis with administrative expertise and other resources to assist parishes toward optimal health and growth for the benefit of their faithful members.

How Do I become an Advocate?

Become an Advocates and make a difference  by contributing $1,000 or more yearly to vital Metropolis Fund. Donation can be made online, link is below or by check. Contributions can be monthly, quartely, or in full.


Advocates contributions made by check may be sent to the address below.

The Advocates Program
Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Denver
4550 East Alameda Avenue
Denver, Colorado  80246