Clergy-Laity Assembly 2011 Archive

Clergy-Laity Assembly, May 13 & 14, 2011
Albuquerque, New Mexico


Friday May 13, 2011
The Clergy-Laity Assembly convened on Friday morning after Morning Prayer. Metropolitan Isaiah delivered the keynote address, in which he challenged the faithful of the Metropolis to bring Orthodox Christianity into the 21st Century. His Eminence also presented a proposal for consideration regarding the calculation of parish Total Commitment allocations.

Following the keynote, Assembly delegates participated in the following three workshops in rotation to hear reports concerning the status of the Metropolis, its parishes, and its activities:

  • Metropolis Administration

  • Philanthropy and Outreach

  • Pastoral and Education

The Friday luncheon has traditionally been hosted by the Metropolis Philoptochos as a fund-raising benefit for the Bishop Anthimos Seminarian Scholarship Fund. This year Father Daniel Payne, Assistant Priest at Annunciation Cathedral parish in Houston Texas, and a recipient of the Scholarship during his seminary studies, addressed the Assembly.

Friday afternoon delegates heard three excellent presentations which challenged them to bring Orthodox Christianity into the contemporary world:

Being Mission Minded
Rev. Fr. Martin Ritsi, Director, Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC)
Download Fr. Ritsi's text.
Download Fr. Ritsi's power point presentation.

Converting to Orthodoxy: View from Both Sides of the Fence
Rev. Fr. Joseph Huneycutt, Saint Joseph Antiochian Parish, Houston, Texas
Download Fr. Huneycutt's presentation.

Things I learned in a Mission Parish
Rev. Fr. Evan Armatas, Saint Spyridon Parish, Loveland, Colorado
Download Fr. Armatas's presentation
Download pamphlet "On Growth"

Friday evening delegates enjoyed a banquet held in the Saint George parish hall. During the dinner, Ms. Connie Maniatis introduced the Metropolis Center Mural Project to the delegates. She presented Mr. Pietro Palladini, the artist who is painting the eight murals that will adorn the stoa of the Center, which document the voyage of immigrants who brought the Orthodox faith to these mountains, plains and Great Southwestern states.

Father Joseph Honeycutt again addressed the delegates during the banquet, and his talk is available on Ancient Faith Radio.

Saturday May 14, 2011
On Saturday morning delegates convened in plenary session to discuss business matters concerning the life of the Metropolis and its parishes. At lunch following the Plenary Session, Mr. Chris Gianopoulos, protopsaltis (chief chanter) from Saint George parish, delivered a talk on Byzantine music.

Sunday May 15, 2011
The culmination of the Retreat and Assembly week was the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy celebrated by Metropolitan Isaiah and fifteen concelebrant clergy on Sunday morning.

Clergy-Laity Assembly Archives

Metropolis of Denver
Clergy-Laity Assembly Archives


Clergy-Laity Assembly, May 13 & 14, 2011 Albuquerque, New  Mexico

Clergy-Laity Assembly, May 31 & June 1, 2013  Kansas City, Missouri

Clergy-Laity Assembly, May 1 & 2, 2015  Houston, Texas

Clergy-Laity Assembly, May 5 & 6, 2017  Greenwood Village, Colorado