Most Holy Theotokos Save Us!


Preserving the tradition of the Church which is older than the twenty-seven books of the New Testament, the Holy Theotokos and Ever Virgin Mary has been exalted above all intellectual creation in the heavens and here on earth. She is "more honored than the Cherubim and incomparably more glorious than the Seraphim," the two high and holy ranks of the angelic world who serve at the throne of God.

How can we not praise and magnify her since she is the Mother of the Lord Jesus Christ Who is the Light and the Life of all creation?

God chose the Holy Theotokos to assist in making eternal our finite, physical condition. In taking flesh from her flesh, He became the Divine Yeast Who has permeated all of humanity, transfiguring our fallen nature into its approaching eternal state. It is, consequently, because of the holy Mother of God in the flesh that our decaying bodies will one day take on their eternal condition.

All this has taken place so that Christ Who calls Himself the Bridegroom of the Church would enter into holy and eternal matrimony with His people, the Church, called by Him his Bride.

This is the reason that, whenever we receive His divine Body and Blood in the Eucharist, we are injected with the imperishable medicine that promises to make our bodies incorruptible and which will be returned to our souls at the General Resurrection.

If this is so, as our Lord assures us through His glorious Resurrection, then surely the Holy Theotokos and Ever Virgin Mary is in the unique position of hearing our prayers and responding to us in our worldly journey, and helping us under her protection to unite with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the only mediator to God the Father. For, as the Lord Himself tells us, no one can go to the Father except through Him. Indeed, it was He Who humbled Himself in order to lovingly lead us to Him and to His coming Kingdom.

All this has been accomplished because the Holy Theotokos accepted to bring the Son of God into the world. As she responded to God, she also responds to us, as we face the difficulties of life, calling out to her, "Most holy Theotokos, save us!"

Metropolitan Isaiah Photo

Metropolitan Isaiah