Texas Child Abuse Reporting Statute

Clergy as Mandatory Reporters of Child Abuse and Neglect

Citation: Tex. Fam. Code Ann. § 261.101A person having cause to believe that a child's physical or mental health or welfare has been adversely affected by abuse or neglect by any person shall immediately make a report as provided by this subchapter.

The requirement to report under this section applies, without exception, to an individual whose personal communications may otherwise be privileged, including an attorney, a member of the clergy, a medical practitioner, a social worker, a mental health professional, and an employee of a clinic or health-care facility that provides reproductive services.


Mandatory Reporters of Child Abuse and Neglect

Professionals Required to Report
Citation: Fam. Code § 261.101
Persons required to report include professionals, for purposes of the reporting laws, who are licensed or certified by the State or who are an employees of facilities licensed, certified, or operated by the State and who, in the normal course of official duties or duties for which licensure or certification is required, have direct contact with children. Professionals include:

  • Teachers or daycare employees

  • Nurses, doctors, or employees of a clinic or health-care facility that provides reproductive services

  • Juvenile probation officers or juvenile detention or correctional officers

Reporting by Other Persons
Citation: Fam. Code § 261.101
A person who has cause to believe that a child has been adversely affected by abuse or neglect shall immediately make a report.

Institutional Responsibility to Report
Citation: Fam. Code §§ 261.101; 261.110
A professional may not delegate to or rely on another person to make the report.

An employer may not suspend or terminate the employment of, or otherwise discriminate against, a person who is a professional and who in good faith:

  • Reports child abuse or neglect to the person's supervisor, an administrator of the facility where the person is employed, a State regulatory agency, or a law enforcement agency

  • Initiates or cooperates with an investigation or proceeding by a governmental entity relating to an allegation of child abuse or neglect

A person whose employment is suspended or terminated or who is otherwise discriminated against in violation of this section may sue for injunctive relief, damages, or both.

Standards for Making a Report
Citation: Fam. Code § 261.101
A report is required when a person has cause to believe that a child has been adversely affected by abuse or neglect.

In addition, a person or professional shall make a report if the person or professional has cause to believe that an adult was a victim of abuse or neglect as a child, and the person or professional determines in good faith that disclosure of the information is necessary to protect the health and safety of another child, an elderly person, or person with a disability.

Privileged Communications
Citation: Fam. Code §§ 261.101; 261.202
The requirement to report applies without exception to an individual whose personal communications may otherwise be privileged, including an attorney, a member of the clergy, a medical practitioner, a social worker, a mental health professional, an employee or member of a board that licenses or certifies a professional, and an employee of a clinic or health-care facility that provides reproductive services.

In a proceeding regarding the abuse or neglect of a child, evidence may not be excluded on the ground of privileged communication except in the case of communication between an attorney and client.

Inclusion of Reporter's Name in Report
Not addressed in statutes reviewed.

Disclosure of Reporter Identity
Citation: Fam. Code §§ 261.101; 261.201
Unless waived in writing by the person making the report, the identity of an individual making a report is confidential and may be disclosed only:

  • As provided by § 261.201

  • To a law enforcement officer for the purposes of conducting a criminal investigation of the report

A report of alleged or suspected abuse or neglect and the identity of the person making the report are confidential. A court may order the disclosure of such confidential information, if after a hearing and an in camera review of the requested information, the court determines that the disclosure is:

  • Essential to the administration of justice

  • Not likely to endanger the life or safety of a child who is the subject of the report, a person who made the report, or any other person who participates in an investigation of reported abuse or neglect or who provides care for the child

The Texas Youth Commission shall release a report of alleged or suspected abuse if the report relates to abuse or neglect involving a child committed to the commission. The commission shall edit any report disclosed under this section to protect the identity of:

  • A child who is the subject of the report

  • The person who made the report

  • Any other person whose life or safety may be endangered by the disclosure

Updated 06/01/2016

Return to State List

Child Abuse Reporting by State

Child Abuse Reporting

The following excerpts from the statutes of states within the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Denver delineate when local authorities must be contacted in accordance with the law in cases of known or suspected child abuse.

Click the following link for statutes pertinent to each state:

New Mexico   
North Dakota  
South Dakota  