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Metropolis Center

The Metropolis Center

The offices are located in the Metropolis Center, which is located adjacent to the Assumption Cathedral.  It was designed by Mr. Christ Kamages, AIA, of San Francisco, and opened in 2002. 

The Metropolis Center includes a chapel where visitors come daily to pray, a library and several meeting rooms.  The Center is open daily, Monday through Friday.

Metropolis Center Dedication

The Metropolis Center was built by PCL Construction Services. Physical construction began on September 12, 2001, and was completed on October 31, 2002.

The Metropolis Center was formally opened in a Dedication Ceremony on Friday, November 1, 2002. Metropolitan Iakovos of Chicago was the senior hierarch and he conducted the Agiasmo, Blessing Service, assisted by the Reverend Deacon Paul Zaharas. Other Hierarchs attending the ceremony were Metropolitan Methodios of Boston and Bishop John of Amorion. The clergy from the Metropolis parishes together their faithful were also in attendance. Local religious and civic leaders, including Roman Catholic Archbishop Charles Chaput, Colorado Governor Bill Owen, and Glendale Mayor Joe Rice were also present.