Existing One, Master, Lord God, Father Almighty, Worshipped One: it is truly just and right to the majesty of Your holiness that we should praise You, hymn You, bless You, worship You, give thanks to You, and glorify You, the only truly existing God; and to offer You our rational worship with a contrite heart and humble spirit, for You are He Who has graciously granted to us the knowledge of Your truth. -From Divine Liturgy of Basil the Great
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An Introduction - The Absolute Necessity of Prayer
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The Service of Small Compline (Evening Prayer)
Prayers in Preparation for Holy Communion
The Preceding Evening
The Following Day
Thanksgiving Prayers After Holy Communion
Sixth Hour Prayers
O You Who on the sixth day and hour
Nailed to the cross the sin which rebellious Adam committed in Paradise,
Tear asunder also the bond of our iniquities,
O Christ our God, and save us.
Prayer of St. Basil
God, Lord of hosts and Maker of all creation, who in Your great compassion and mercy sent down Your Only-Begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, for the redemption of mankind and by His precious Cross destroyed the record of our sins, triumphing over the source and power of darkness: O Lord and Lover of mankind, accept also the thanksgiving and fervent prayers of us sinners. Deliver us from every dark and harmful transgression and from all the visible and invisible enemies that seek to destroy us. Nail our flesh to the fear of You, and do not incline our hearts to deceitful words or thoughts, but wound our souls with love for You, that always looking to You, guided by Your light, and seeing You, the eternal and ineffable Light, we may give You unceasing praise and thanksgiving: to the Father without beginning, with Your Only-Begotten Son and Your all-holy, good and life-giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
The Metropolis Center Chapel
"Let my prayer rise as incense before you; the lifting up of my hands as an evening sacrifice."
From Psalm 140/141 as used in the Liturgy of The Presanctified Gifts during Great Lent.