Metropolis Council

The Metropolis Council is an advisory board to Metropolitan Isaiah. Its focus is the life and the growth of the Metropolis, its ministries, institutions, and financial condition.

As prescribed in the Archdiocese Regulations, a Metropolis Council is comprised of the Metropolitan, the Chancellor, eight Clergy selected by the Clergy Syndesmos, eight Laity elected by the Clergy-Laity Assembly, and appointees chosen by the Metropolitan. Members serve a two-year term.

2019 - 2023 Metropolis Council Roster

His Eminence Metropolitan Isaiah
Denver, CO
Mr. Sam Galeotos,
Vice Chairman
Cheyenne, WY
Rev.Fr. Louis J. Christopulos
Denver, CO
Mr. Pete Kappos
Assistant Treasurer
Denver, CO
Mr. Ted Koinis
Houston, TX
Ms. Elaine Cladis
Greenwood Village, CO
Mr. John Johns
Metropolis Legal Council
Denver, CO
Ms. Stella Pichas
Metropolis Philoptochos President
Euless, TX
Mr. Scott Akins
Oklahoma City, OK
Mr. Bill Andrew
Tulsa, OK
Mr. Nick Azar
Casper, WY
Dr. Charles Beck
Cottonwood Heights, UT
Mr. Paul Bitsos
Omaha, NE
Rev. Jordan Brown
Clergy Syndesmos Vice President
Boulder, CO
Mr. Chris Canellos
Dallas, TX
Ms. Pamela Cha
Price, Ut
Mr. Damon Diamantaras
Houston, TX
Mr. Jim Dunlap
Kansas City, MO
Ms. Angela Elliott
Greenwood Village, CO
Rev. George Gartelos
Clergy Syndesmos President
Tulsa, OK
Rev. Mario Giannopoulos
Clergy Syndesmos Treasurer
Ogden, UT

Rev. Michael Lambakis
Houston, TX
Mr. Keith Maib
Kansas City, MO/Dallas, TX

Rev. Thomas Newlin
San Antonio, TX


V. Rev. George Nikas
Salt Lake City, UT
Mr. Dean Pappas
Houston, TX
Dr. Louis Rousalis, MD
Casper, WY
Mr. Andreas Revelis
Tulsa, OK

Mr. Harry Souvall
Salt Lake City, UT

Mr. Tom Suehs
Austin, TX
Rev. John Tsaras
Clergy Syndesmos Secretary
Oklahoma City, OK