Teleturgical Encyclicals

Metropolitan Isaiah of Denver has written the following Teleturgical Encyclicals addressed to the Priests and Deacons of his Metropolis. They provide liturgical guidance for the celebration of the Divine Services in all parishes of the Metropolis of Denver.

Teleturgical Encyclicals

TE-32 - Concerning the recent tragic mass killings in Uvalde, TX, and Buffalo, NY
TE-29 - Concerning Holy Communion
TE-28 - Concerning English Mis-Translations of Matins Services Available to Parishes (Note that this Encyclical replaces and supersedes Teleturgical Encyclical 26.)
TE-27 - Concerning Water Blessed at Theophany
TE-26 - Concerning English Mis-Translations of Matins Services Available to Parishes
TE-25 - Concerning the Reserved "Lamb" Prepared on Holy Thursday Morning
TE-24 Addendum 2 - Letter from His Eminence to a priest of the Metropolis regarding the Epiklesis
TE-24 Addendum 1 - Subsequent e-mail from the Chancellor expanding on Teleturgical Encyclical 24
TE-24 - Concerning Words at the Consecration during the Divine Liturgy
TE-23 Enclosure - Service for the Reception of Converts into the Orthodox Church by Chrismation
TE-23 - Concerning Recognized Heterodox Baptisms, and Service of Chrismation for Receiving Converts
TE-22 - Concerning How to Celebrate the Mystery of Marriage
TE-21 - Concerning How to Celebrate the Small Paraklesis Service
TE-20 - On the Wearing of the Kalymavchion
TE-19 - Concerning the Commemoration of the Armed Forces in the Divine Services
TE-18 - Concerning Unrecognized Forms Used in Heterodox Baptisms
TE-17 - Concerning Vestments for Acolytes and Others Serving in the Holy of Holies
TE-16 - Concerning the Return of Apostates
TE-15 - Concerning Interfaith Marriages
TE-13 - Concerning Liturgical Traditions of other Jurisdictions
TE-12 - Concerning the Proper Celebration of the Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom
TE-11 - Forwarding of Lenten Service Translations
TE-10 - Concerning the Celebration of Funeral, Mnymosynon, and Trisagion Services
TE-09 - Concerning Various Irregularities and Mistranslations
TE-08 - Concerning Lenten Services Preparation for receiving Holy Communion at the Presanctified Liturgy Procedures for Clergy to receive Holy Communion Concerning the Celebration of Great Compline
TE-07 - Concerning the Prosphora and Holy Communion
TE-06 - Concerning Celebration of the Presanctified Divine Liturgy
TE-05 - Concerning Celebration of Small Compline and the Akathist
TE-04 - Concerning Attention to Liturgical Detail
TE-03 - Concerning Funeral, Mnymosynon, and Trisagion Services
TE-02 - Procedures for Censing
TE-01 - Introduction to the Teleturgical Series